Your first step is to confirm you've selected the correct store. If your permission level is above the
store level (ex: Corporate or Regional) then you may use the menus in the right column to select an
alternate store to order for.
The next step is to begin ordering by clicking the large blue button titled "Select this location
and continue to order page" or clicking the "Order" tab in the top
navigation. You will be presented with a list of items to choose from. Find the denomination you would
like to order and select a style type from its drop-down menu (You will see the photo of the card change
as you change your selection).
Enter a quantity of boxes to order and click the "Add To Order" button for the desired
item. The item will appear in your order list on the right column and the status of your dollar and
item limits will be updated to reflect your change. When you've completed your item selections click
one of the "Complete Order" buttons to verify your order.
You will be presented with a list of the items currently in your order and a total value for those items.
Please double-check that you've selected the right items and that the total is correct.
You wil also be provided with a display of your Bill To and Ship To selections. Please check that you've
chosen the correct store to ship this order to.
At this point you have the opportunity to enter a PO Number for your order. If your concept is required
to enter a PO then you will not be able to submit your order without filling in this field. This section
also allows you to select a shipping method and service level. If necessary you may enter a brief note
for any special instructions regarding this order.
When you feel that everything is complete click the "Confirm Order" button to submit
your order to our system. If you have additional questions please call us at 1-630-458-0077.